Save Your Nose and Ours: Odour Protection Safe enough for Kids and Adults

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When did you lastly check the ingredients in your deodorant? Many buyers shop blindly but as more consumers become smarter shoppers, companies are beginning to change the way they conduct their business practices; especially when it comes to cosmetics ingredients. We’re also seeing a significant rise of minority owned cosmetics companies that cater to traditionally under-served demographics and are particularly keen on the ingredients within their products.

As more people become aware of the potential dangers that lurk in their skincare cosmetics -not limited to parabens, triclosan, propylene glycol, heavy metals and other endocrine disruptive chemicals, the standard of consumer health and safety will have to reflect the consumer needs; given that the purchasing power directly affects manufacturers bottom lines. Smarter shoppers make better decisions, and as a collective we have the power to change the dynamics of the quality of products flooding the store shelves in the market place.

One cosmetic that has been getting more traction in the ingredient revamp arena is odour and perspiration protection. Most mainstream deodorants and antiperspirants are full of harsh chemicals, irritants, and toxins that can be linked to long term chronic ailments.  Luckily, innovators like the mom-and -son duo behind Play Pits are changing the game.  Mom (Chantel Powell) initially set-out to create a reliable product for her son that would be gentle and safe for his skin but tough on game-day odours. She knew she was onto something when other moms wanted to use her products for their children as well.  Now, the company has expanded and creates all-natural underarm cosmetics for adults too. The best things in life are made with love and Play Pits is no exception.

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