Do You Know What are the Best Zero-Waste Oils for Skin and Hair care?

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While most consumers and buyers of cosmetics products focus on the look and feel of the product, the more eco-conscious consumer recognizes that there is a growing issue of waste generation and management. This is due to the high-turnover consumption-based economy of the cosmetics industry, and some manufacturers are finally beginning to prioritize more sustainable methods of processing, packaging, and transport.

One of the key idea around sustainable cosmetics processing is the implementation of Zero-waste methods; this means that nothing is sent to a landfill, incinerators or the oceans, at best. This lofty goal may sound impossible to achieve but is worth serious consideration when you realize that the average person in the United States throws away their body weight in trash every month. The drive towards zero waste beauty is a necessary requirement to help prevent further pollution to our environment.

Zero waste oils are typically pressed from waste fruit and vegetable seeds, which means that some of the best zero waste oils on the market have had quite the journey from harvesting, to initial processing, to secondary processing in skincare and haircare formulations. Below are some of the top zero waste oils on the market

  • Pomegranate Seed Oil
  • Blueberry Seed Oil
  • Cucumber Seed Oil
  • Apple Seed Oil
  • Strawberry Seed Oil
  • Tomato Seed Oil
  • Cranberry Seed Oil
  • Blackberry Seed Oil
  • Raspberry Seed Oil

For more on zero-waste beauty, click here